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"Like my D.N.A., this blog won't be your average, nothing is Taboo...& I'm sure you'll grow to love my slight sense of humor!" [Insert BIG ASS SMILE]

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


If you've ever traveled north or south through Ohio on I-75, you've probably had a close encounter with Jesus. No, I'm not talking about a near death experience, I'm talking about the "King of Kings" statue of Jesus Christ holding out his arms. The well-known figure stood 62 feet tall & 40 feet wide (about 6 stories high,) right in good-ol' Monroe, Ohio. Financed by a pastor and his wife, the statue was built to be a beacon of hope to passers-by and cost a pretty penny too; about 25 million pennies to be exact ( that's $250,000!) Unfortunately, some Heathen thunderstorm sent a bolt of lightning right into Jesus and burned him down last night.

It sucks that it's gone because that statue was always one thing I desperately looked forward to seeing every time I went on a boring road trip with my mom! Now what am I going to do? Count Sheep?!

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