"UNwrapped:" Is a new project I'm working on. I will put one talented, unforgettable person or thing on display every two weeks (at my own leisure, lol) . I want to expose people to people, & things to people. I bring you Brittany Floyd.
I remember the night. It was an open mic hosted by EMU's Poetry Society (P.S.) and the room was full! As quick as people would sign the list to pour out their soul through spoken word, their names were being called to take the stage. One girl in particular caught my eye; Brittany Floyd. She was beautiful but very nervous. She gained her footing, and by the end of her piece the room's sexual senses had been heightened. The girl was READY!
As time went on, Brittany and I got to know each other on a personal level and collaborated on different projects. We learned that we have a few pretty cool things in common which made us bond even more.
This girl is nothing short of amazing! She writes impressive poetry for someone her age and has traveled all over the U.S. to display her skills. This upcoming September she will be doing what many only hope to accomplish by traveling abroad to England. While in the country she plans to attend class, work, and travel to places like Amsterdam, Paris and London. She loves shopping vintage (like me :-) and has one of the most hippie/free-spirited personalities that just makes you feel warm every time you speak with her. With an open mind, heart and closet (too many clothes), whats not to love about this 20 y.o. bombshell with a future so bright I gotta wear Ray Bans! ha